
A growing collection of my engagements.

Peer Review

I have served as a reviewer for the following conferences and journals:

  • Conference: ICML’24, ICLR’25, NAACL’25, ACL’25
  • Journal: TMLR, TKDE, KAIS, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Big Data Research


Introduction to Programming and Computation
Spring 2024: Teaching Assistant
  • Undergraduate-level introductory course to teach students to design, write, and analyze code to solve computational problems from a range of disciplines. Taught by Prof. Andrew Campbell.
Introduction to Databases
Fall 2020: Teaching Assistant
  • Undergraduate-level introduction to the basic concepts and theory of relational database system, laying a good foundation for future database theoretical research, engineering practice and information system development. Taught by Prof. Wei Hu.